Are You In A Rut?


Do you have little children still at home? If so, do you find that you are staying home most of the time? Perhaps you have gotten into a boring routine, spending your days watching things like old television shows and soap operas. You might even find yourself thinking things like, I went to college for this boring life? Or, I never considered that being a stay-at-home mom would be this boring. Those thoughts might make you feel guilty. After all, you love your children tremendously, right? From making a plan that will add interest to your life to finding child care, here are some idea that might help you get out of your rut.

Field Trips - No matter how old your children are, consider getting out of the house more often, taking them along with you. Think of field trips they would enjoy and then hit the roads. For example, take your camera and head to the zoo. Another idea is to take short day trips. For instance, you might have close friends or extended family members that live in a town that isn't too far away from you. Think about taking your children to visit them. Or, just go on a picnic right in a park that is close to you. You might have already known to do all of these things and even more. However, wiring down a plan to do them might motivate you to actually visit people and places that will make your life, and the lives of your children, more fun.

Child Care - Have you thought of putting your children in a child care facility? By doing so, you'd have the luxury of visiting grown-up places like art galleries and museums where you don't have to worry about your children getting too noisy. To start off with, consider selecting a couple of days out of the week for you to leave your children at a child care facility. If things go well, and if you can afford it, consider leaving them more often, not only to give yourself some me time but to help your children get ready for pre-school and kindergarten. Not only will they be meeting new children, but they'll also have the experience of learning to trust new adults. At a child care facility, your children will also learn new things. For example, through music, they will more than likely learn the letters of the alphabet and their numbers.


26 April 2018

Child Care Centres Blend Old Fashioned Fun With New Technology

Welcome to my blog. My name is Eddie, and I love to talk about technology, but I also love old fashioned fun. That includes anything, from playing hopscotch, to telling stories, to knitting, to gardening. I have three grand kids, and I see them immersed in an exciting world where they can explore those old fashioned things but also immerse themselves in technology. It truly doesn't have to be one or the other. I am very interested in child care centers that have found interesting ways to blend both of these categories. I wanted to foray a bit more into the tech world myself so decided to create this blog. I hope you like its ideas and facts.