How Does Playtime Support Kids' Development?


Play is a natural way to keep kids active and happy. But did you know that playtime is crucial to their mental and physical development? This is why parents are often advised to enroll their kids in daycare centers, where they can interact and play with their peers rather than spending all their time at home watching TV shows or sleeping.

Learn more about the benefits of playtime for your child's development.

Boosts Cognitive Development

Regular playtime boosts numerous cognitive skills by keeping children fully involved in one activity. Letting kids participate in meaningful, fun interactions without interruptions improves their memory and cements their attention span.

Here are some relevant playtime activities with explanations on how they promote cognitive growth in children:


Singing is a way for kids to learn and master different sounds, rhythms, and patterns. Also, singing and reciting activities teach the kids crucial concepts of loud, soft, fast, and slow tunes. The activities improve their listening skills and ability to memorize and remember things.

Block Building

Block building games educate kids on the principles of gravity and balance. They can learn which blocks fit each other best in terms of shapes and sizes, which is a great way to boost their problem-solving skills.

Art Play

Art play helps children recognize colors, textures, and shapes. Most daycare centers offer children a ton of materials that they are required to sort out or group to fit the given categories. The games improve their observational skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

Playing Offers Emotional and Behavioral Stability

Just like adults, children may sometimes feel anxious and overwhelmed. If your child often seems distracted, irritable, and moody, they could be going through some level of emotional distress. And one way to manage this is engaging in playtime activities.

Play is more than a form of distraction. The fun activities help children get rid of negative emotions and improve their moods. In addition, playing enables you to control your child's behavior by teaching them how to interact with others and negotiate and speak for themselves.

Physical Development

Regular playtime also helps with fine and gross motor skill development. The fun activities encourage children to move their bodies and understand how each part relates to the others. In the process, they learn how to hold balance and support themselves. Some physical activities also support the kids' flexibility and stamina.

Some essential play activities for physical development are running, dancing, and jumping.

Play is super valuable for young children. If you're a busy parent and lack the time to play with your kid, enroll them in a reliable daycare center. This way, they don't skip any early growth and development stages.

To learn more, contact a daycare center near you. 


29 April 2022

Child Care Centres Blend Old Fashioned Fun With New Technology

Welcome to my blog. My name is Eddie, and I love to talk about technology, but I also love old fashioned fun. That includes anything, from playing hopscotch, to telling stories, to knitting, to gardening. I have three grand kids, and I see them immersed in an exciting world where they can explore those old fashioned things but also immerse themselves in technology. It truly doesn't have to be one or the other. I am very interested in child care centers that have found interesting ways to blend both of these categories. I wanted to foray a bit more into the tech world myself so decided to create this blog. I hope you like its ideas and facts.