How To Help Your Child Transition To A New Preschool


Change can be difficult for a child, especially if it happens abruptly. If you have to transfer your child to a new preschool because you have relocated to a new home or for other related issues, you need to make it easy for them. Here are tips that will help your child adjust to a new preschool.

Choose the Right Preschool

It is crucial that you choose the right preschool if you want your child to settle in properly. There are some must-haves you should ensure in your preschool checklist.

These include a nurturing environment, individualized care and attention, and a stimulating setting. The preschool should also have a curriculum that balances problem-solving, language, arithmetic, and physical activities. To guide you in choosing the right preschool program, reflect on the qualities of the previous preschool that the child was attending. 

Be an Advocate for the New Preschool

Explain to your child why they are going to a new preschool. For example, it may be because you are getting a job transfer. Highlight the positive features of the new preschool. Your child will respond better if the new school turns out to be better than their old one. Therefore, tell them how they will have fun in the larger playground and talk about the meals, classrooms, games, and activities.

Try to Keep Things Consistent

When there is a significant transition, children adjust well where there is consistency. Therefore, trying to keep most elements of their lives the same. Ensure there are familiar faces at home and that schedules or routines remain the same. For example, stick to the same drop-off routine and daily schedule. This approach will avoid a situation where your child is overwhelmed by too many changes.

Tour the Preschool Before Their First Day

Another way to help your child adjust to a new preschool is visiting it before their first day. This helps them experience what it will be like at the new preschool. Talk to the teachers, ask for a tour of the facility, and allow your child to see how other children are enjoying their time in the school. This experience will help your child feel safe. 

Alternatively, you can visit the preschool website and go through photos or watch the introductory video together. When your child feels familiar with the institution, adjusting for the first few days will be easier.

Plan a Play Date

You should try and make your child feel comfortable around other kids from the new preschool. Therefore, speak to other parents and plan a play date with your child's classmates. A few outdoor activities will help your child gain the confidence they need in the new preschool. This is also an excellent opportunity to learn from the other kids what activities to expect and the school's rules and regulations.


30 May 2023

Child Care Centres Blend Old Fashioned Fun With New Technology

Welcome to my blog. My name is Eddie, and I love to talk about technology, but I also love old fashioned fun. That includes anything, from playing hopscotch, to telling stories, to knitting, to gardening. I have three grand kids, and I see them immersed in an exciting world where they can explore those old fashioned things but also immerse themselves in technology. It truly doesn't have to be one or the other. I am very interested in child care centers that have found interesting ways to blend both of these categories. I wanted to foray a bit more into the tech world myself so decided to create this blog. I hope you like its ideas and facts.